Feed the beast

By Matt Stambaugh

Over 2000 years ago oligarchies in Greek city-states started an experiment we casually call democracy. Although the percentage of total population given the right to vote was small, the experiment allowed for leadership candidates to put their ideas and character to the test of their peers, providing a vessel through which responsible government could emerge.… Continue reading Feed the beast


By Matt Stambaugh

What a crazy day, two midterms, a paper, and a job interview. What are those strange tables with the computers set up for? Can’t be important, screw it.The life of a student in mid February is not a calm one. With the demands of school and life in general attacking from all angles, a Students’… Continue reading Election!

Celebrate U of C’s cultural diversity during International Week

By Robbie White

With about 1,200 international students at the University of Calgary, it only makes sense that we celebrate the diversity of this campus. February 3-7 is International Week, and it’s your chance to broaden your horizons and learn about the different cultures that exist here at the U of C. International week has been organized by… Continue reading Celebrate U of C’s cultural diversity during International Week

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’03

By Hunter S. Stambaugh

It’s cold. Walking towards the Science Theatres you notice that something is terribly, terribly wrong. The man so calmly referred to as the hot dog vendor is pawning his wares on unsuspecting frosh. The rock is painted in an outlandish fraternity purple. The university sidewalk sweeper is pleasantly locked in his machine of destruction, doing… Continue reading Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’03

Becoming Tomorrow Leadership Conference

By Irene Enyedy

Presented by the Students’ Union and the Gauntlet, Becoming Tomorrow is a conference for students from January 24 to 26. This conference offers delegates an opportunity to build skills in leadership and volunteering. Students play many demanding roles such as worker, son/daughter, companion, mentor, counsellor and friend. Add to this the importance of volunteering and… Continue reading Becoming Tomorrow Leadership Conference

Learn how to jump through hoops at the academic carnival

By Rosie Nagra

The SU View and its corresponding headline is printed without Gauntlet editorial revision, and does not reflect the views of the Gauntlet Publications Society Now that exams are beginning to take their toll, the effects of coffee are starting to wear off, and the thought of staying up to 4 a.m. studying for an exam… Continue reading Learn how to jump through hoops at the academic carnival

U of C 101 fights cystic fibrosis

By Irene Enyedy

The Students’ Union decided to take a slightly different approach to social activities this year. Bling Bling, a game created by Shinerama directors at Wilfred Laurier University last year was adopted and moulded to the U of C 101 program in order to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. The game challenged frosh students and U… Continue reading U of C 101 fights cystic fibrosis