Spun: Natalie Cole

By Megan Hodgson

Listening to Still Unforgettable, one’s imagination skips between the images of a mind-boggling jazz show and some random bar with a singer who has been desperately looking for her big break for years. Natalie Cole has an amazing and somewhat effortless voice in most of her songs, but her background band left her out in the open more than she should’ve been. The album missed out on something that would’ve made them completely enjoyable and left potential lying in the background. The drums did not impress and, at times, the big band seemed like it was just filling space when Cole wasn’t singing. While the first song of the cd does hold some charm, singing a love song with her long-dead father is just creepy. Still, Cole persevered through to the last tracks where some really impressive songs were produced and made the first tracks seem not as bad as they really were.

Still Unforgettable has amazing moments near the end with “It’s All Right With Me,” “Something’s Gotta Give” and “The Best Is Yet To Come,” which support Cole’s shining musical reputation.

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