Seasonal stimulus

By Jeremy Woo

In spite of the naysayers, pessimists and self-proclaimed enemies of commercialized holidays, the winter holiday season truly is the “most wonderful time of the year” for many reasons. However, the recent consumerism and secularism of Western society has challenged its relevance. Christianity is no longer as dominant, the spectrum of year-end celebrations has become wider… Continue reading Seasonal stimulus


By Tamara Cottle

The holiday season has arrived once again, catching many of us unprepared and unwilling to participate in the buying frenzy. Though there are some positive attributes connected to the giving season, the predominant theme of commodity fetishism has all but demolished the true meaning of Christmas. 
 The Canadian civic holiday was originally created to… Continue reading Ho-ho-NO!

Editorial: The end of days is nigh!

By Gauntlet Editorial Board

This whole 2012 apocalypse thing is just plain stupid. It’s a waste of time and if anyone actually spends their time thinking about it, it’s because they’re fatalistic, whiny babies.
 There will always be a doomsday theory. There was Y2K that didn’t quite pan out, and the hype behind it was insane. But guess what… Continue reading Editorial: The end of days is nigh!

The top underdog and upset of 2012

By Taylor McKee

Upset of the year:
 Women’s basketball upsetting number-one ranked Regina
 On March 17, 2012, the Dinos women’s basketball team entered the CIS championships as the lowest-ranked seed in the entire tournament, which meant that in the first quarterfinal match they would be playing against the top-seeded team. The Dinos squared off against the University of… Continue reading The top underdog and upset of 2012


By Alex Procyk

Foreskin. It’s not a common word in daily conversation or often brought up. Male circumcision, the total removal of the foreskin from the penis, shouldn’t be a weird or disturbing topic because it is a pertinent issue that needs to be openly discussed. Today, there is a widespread, contentious and controversial debate about circumcision because… Continue reading Circumcision