By Colin Minor
Like Jigglypuff, Students’ Union vice-president Alyssa Stacy is cheerful and has a delicate voice. Stacy has also used her lullaby attack to soothe student academic issues throughout the semester.
Stacy experienced a steep learning curve early in her term as VP academic. Over the past few months, she’s mastered the planning and hard work necessary to make her initiatives successful.
Both the Book Loan Program and Undergraduate Research Symposium saw applications double under her leadership. Stacy worked hard on the symposium this fall, where she raised campus awareness and support at the administrative level for the event.
Stacy and president Lauren Webber worked closely with U of C president Elizabeth Cannon on a new excellence campaign.
“I feel that passion in itself is what can drive excellence,” said Stacy. “If you look at the Teaching Excellence Award winners — why they are winners is because they are so enthusiastic about what they do.”
Stacy is continuing her work expanding Community Service Learning on campus. She is also looking to improve feedback mechanisms like the Universal Student Ratings of Instruction, which she believes students do not find relevant.
The symposium was a major focus for Stacy this semester which may have distracted her from other priorities. October’s Open Access Week had no programming for undergraduates.
Stacy plans to resurrect the tutor referral and student work experience enrichment program. She is also working to promote the VP research and SU websites to provide more research opportunities for students. If all goes well, she may find a moonstone this winter semester and evolve into a Wigglytuff.