By Emily Senger
Gauntlet: What is your favourite folk festival memory?
Awna Teixeira: The workshop with the D. Rangers and That 1 Guy, it was amazing.
Ana Egge: And Kris Kristofferson, he just broke my heart.
Alli Russell: It was so inspiring.
G: What is folk music and how do you fit into the genre?
AE: Folk, to me, shouldn’t be any more of a definition. It’s for the people and, whatever the people connect to, it brings all of us together.
AR: When you’re on the road it’s just yourself or your group, but here there’s all this exchange between musicians.
AT: It’s like adult band camp.
G: What folk wisdom would you pass down to folkies?
AT: Be honest with yourself, being able to tap into parts of yourself that scare you.
AE: That really resonates with people. I’m doing it for other women that have gone before and couldn’t speak for themselves, who have been oppressed. Accept yourself, there is this continual media onslaught not to accept yourself.