Calgary urban scavenger hunt for the masses

By Sean Nyilassy

Has your summer consisted of work, sleep, eating and masturbation? If most of your time is consumed by three of the above then help has arrived.

Instead of looking forward to more school in the fall, get a life and add some excitement to your summer. ‘Navigate The Streets’ is coming to Calgary July 31 and you’re cordially invited to join in on the good times.

Confused? It’s a scavenger hunt for checkpoints, locations and landmarks around our super duper city of Calgary. The first team to get digital photographs of all the items gets a chance to compete for a grand prize of $10,000 in Montreal. Now that’s so exciting I’d be embarrassed to stand up at the moment.

Competitions are being held in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City and Halifax. Victors at each venue are being flown to the finals in Montreal to run, snap and hopefully cheat their way to enough money for cheap Montreal hookers for hundreds of their friends, or just random people at the bar in case they don’t have enough friends.

In each city, entrants must find locations based on a sheet of clues. After this point, there aren’t many rules.

Use of cellular telephones and internet is supported and many corners shall be cut by intelligent teams. The only real rule is that you may only travel by foot or via public transit.

Interested? Registration must be completed online before July 30. All you need once you have registered is a digital camera. If you are an old fuddy-duddy and do not own one, a camera can be rented from the race organizers.

Oh yeah, some people have good morals and like supporting charity. I know it might seem strange but it’s really a good thing to do. A portion of every student registration fee of $35 per person or $70 per team goes to Right To Play. This organization uses sport and play to encourage child development in areas of the world like Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Wait, why are you still reading the paper? Get your ass up and try something different while making a difference. While you’re at it, don’t forget the big prize to blow on smack and hookers either.

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