
By Andrew Ross

These athletes have shown resilience and results through intense training.
Rookies that deserve an honourable mention here are William Durban, Morgan Engi
and Kimberly Hersch, who all made CIS National Championships alongside a steady
bunch of senior stars.

The swim team boasts a prestigious Coach of the Year award from the CIS
Championships. Need I say more of Mike Blondal?

Their achievement has been two-fold. On the one hand, U of C swimmers Chad
Murray and Erin Gammel swept the Male and Female Swimmer of the Year awards at
CIS Championships. Swimmers also made a lasting impression at Night of the Dino,
where Murray won Male Athlete of the Year, Gammel won an Athletic Award of Merit.

The team standings blemished an otherwise stellar year for the swim team, coming in second place at both CWs and the CIS championships behind their arch-rivals, the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds.

Overall: A-

Country: France. Dignified, passionnes, and certainly deserving praise
for their abundant talents, but always one hair short of the grand triumph. Perseverance
reigns, however. Seven years against the Thunderbirds, 100 years against those
damn Brits.

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