Activity participated in by some… senators

By Natalie Sit

Brett Pearce and Matt Trotta are the U of C’s two newest senators. The two won the race to represent students on the senate during the Students’ Union general election.

Pearce, who won with 2,799 votes, said it felt great to come first, especially with such a large lead.

“I had hoped that my running mate [current Academic Commissioner] Kassim Amery would be elected as well,” said Pearce. “We would have made a great team.”

Trotta, the second-place finisher with 2,054 votes, is excited to assume his position and was overwhelmed by the student body support.

“I have furthered my knowledge and understanding of the senate and have renewed confidence in my abilities to make successful contributions to the senate,” said Trotta. “I plan to take the vote of confidence given to me by the voters and move forward.”

As for the future, Pearce will meet with current student senators Robbie White and Nick Vuckovic to bring himself up to date on senate initiatives and work with re-elected Board of Governors representative Irene Eneydy. He also wants to report to Student Legislative Council after every senate meeting instead of once a semester.

“In order for the student voice to be heard effectively, I believe that the student senators next year need to work as a team,” said Pearce. “In order for team initiatives to work, the SU President and Vice-President External will need to make an effort to take an active role by communicating with student at large senators such as myself. I truly believe that the student voice on senate was only heard half as loud this year because of the lack of attendance by the current SU President and VP External.”

Trotta plans to expand his knowledge of Senate protocol.

“By this, I mean to become more familiar with the by-laws and expectations to become most effective once I begin term,” said Trotta.

Amery is his final year of his joint degree program and doesn’t foresee running in another election. He is happy Pearce was elected and predicts he will do a good job.

“We both knew that a combined effort would not guarantee that both of us would be elected, and that’s just an aspect of life that you must deal with,” said Amery who came in last with 1,675 votes. “Losing is part of the game, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

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