SU Tuition victory

By Вen Li

University of Calgary and University of Lethbridge Students’ Union Presidents Matt Stambaugh and Melanee Thomas, respectively, presented before the Standing Committee on Lifelong Learning on Monday July 15 in their first meeting in two years.

"We presented on tuition and the future of tuition models in Alberta," said Stambaugh. "We had six long-term models for tuition and asked for immediate relief."

Stambaugh and Thomas pre-sented options including free tuition as found in Belgium, tuition freezes and rollbacks, and maximum tuition increases pegged to government funding.

"We want a tuition freeze," said Stambaugh. "It’s not a long-term solution but we need it now."

Stambaugh cited the increase in research activity on campus as a concern.

"We don’t think students should carry the brunt of research. Increased research funding brings in professors but they’re not teaching.

"The promise of no deregulation was a major victory," Stambaugh continued. "Administration pushed for deregulation and we came out very strongly against that.

"Tuition has increased by such an unbelievable level that the loan system is no longer an appropriate solution. Either we radically reform the loan system or keep tuition low."

Stambaugh will meet again with Alberta Education minister Lyle Olberg on Aug. 6 to discuss tuition models and differential tuition.

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