While it may not be skiing in the Andes (see rocks, Peruvian), the Students’ Union is pleased to invite you to a free night of skiing and snowboarding on Sun. Feb. 10, from 6–9 p.m. at Canada Olympic Park. Not only do we have free passes for all, we’ve got student performers to entertain you on the slopes while you’re carving turns under the bright lights in Calgary. We’ve also got the lounge until midnight for your après-ski enjoyment.
Surely, you say, the SU has some hidden motive for providing free skiing and you’re correct! We’re making use of a metaphor to explain some of the problems with post-secondary education. It’s sliding downhill in much the same way you will on Sunday night, hence our clever title, "Post-Secondary Education is on a Slippery Slope." We’d like to dispel myths about education in Alberta while pulling a fakie-540 in the snowboard park.
You might (unless you actually have a student loan) think the student loan program is an adequate source of funding for higher education. You’d feel differently if I told you that in 1990, tuition accounted for 19 per cent of a student loan, whereas in 2001 tuition accounts for a whopping 38 per cent of the loan. Allow me to explain: All signs point to bad.
Don’t despair! You can still get something for free. We’ll hook you up with free (that’s right) no cost transporation to and from COP at the MacEwan Student Centre north bus loop, starting at 5:30 p.m., and running every half hour until 12:30 a.m. So join us at COP on Sunday for some free skiing, music, libations, and the most exciting part of the evening-statistics on education. What more do you need?