Nominate a kick-ass prof for an award

By Nic Porco

Ever had a professor who has had a real effect on you? You know, one who tells a story that causes a sardonic smile to cross your face at 8:35 on a Tuesday morning in Political Theory. Or the one who helped you finally make sense of Synthetic
Geometry. What about the one who made you want to change your major to their field?

Though it may not always seem like it when you’re in the midst of midterms, the University of Calgary is teeming with great professors who really care about what you learn. These people regularly stay after class to answer questions, extend their office hours to accommodate students, give out their home phone numbers in case of problems, even read papers before they’re due to give you a little feedback–and hopefully a better grade.

These are the professors who make us remember why we chose our fields in the first place. They are also able to create enthusiasm about the subject they teach, challenge students, are available outside of class and are fair and consistent in their grading.

Apart from showing up to lectures, not talking in class, and handing in assignments on time, how can you let these people know that they’re appreciated? Nominate them for an award!

The Students’ Union Teaching Excellence Awards are upon us again. If you have a teacher that deserves extra recognition, nominate them for a Teaching Excellence Award. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill in a nomination form with your instructor’s name, e-mail or office phone number, course name and number, faculty of instruction, and any comments. You can find the forms online at or at the SU office: Room 251, MacEwan Student Centre. The nomination deadline is Nov. 9, 2001.

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